For most of us, hospital and doctors appointments are straightforward. Either family or friends take us or we drive ourselves. Unfortunately many people don’t have that support or can no longer drive themselves. Those who are incapacitated due to frailty, old age or ill health find organising transport to these appointments a constant struggle. CARE Farnham provides a lifeline giving peace of mind to those who need us.

  • CARE Farnham is available to anyone living within the Farnham Town Boundary – Upper Hale,Heath End, Weybourne, Badshot Lea, Runfold, Wrecclesham, Rowledge and Crondall Lane area.

  • The majority of our work is focused on driving clients to a doctor, hospital and other health related appointments. Our service takes clients as far as they need to go. That might be to a local doctors surgery, Frimley Park, The Royal Surrey Hospitals or further afield to The Royal Marsden or St George’s Tooting.

Phone: 01252 716655



Hoppa Community Support


Farnham Neighbour’s Network