
Core4Fitness was set up in 2013 with a focus on providing personal training and fitness classes in the local area. Over the years I’ve worked with some incredible people, a lot of which live directly on and around the Bourne Green. As time passed I was able to setup a number of outdoor classes that take place on the Green and within the local area. Classes continued to run weekly and even during lockdown! We were able to transfer classes to online with the support of Core4Fitness community.

I’m now proud to say we have a small team of trainers and teachers that offer 1:1 and group sessions week-to-week. This includes Personal Training, Yoga, Pilates and more.

Myself and the team also offer training at the Bourne club just up the road from the green and in 2020 moved into Alice Holt Forest just a short drive away.

I’m extremely pleased to be part of the Bourne community and look forward to welcoming anyone wanting to join a fun challenging and rewarding fitness community.
I’m also fully licensed to operate on the green with the Waverley Borough Council.

Tel 01252 265122


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