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Surrey County, Waverley Borough and Farnham Town Councils came together at the Farnham Board on Friday 11 June to discuss the Farnham Infrastructure Programme (FIP).

You can watch a recording of the meeting on YouTube, or see the latest updates below.

Town centre update

The pavement widening measures in The Borough are to be removed, according to plans confirmed at the Farnham Board.

Councillors have been listening to feedback about the impact of the measures on the town centre, as numbers of car journeys increase as lockdown restrictions are lifted. The measures on Downing Street and Castle Street will remain in place. The timeline for the changes is being worked out, but will happen as soon as possible.

It is hoped that removing the wider pavements on The Borough will help improve traffic flow and reduce pollution; while keeping the other measures will support an improved pedestrian experience in the town centre. The Farnham Infrastructure Programme is currently investigating long-term town centre improvements - any new solutions will need to avoid moving problems elsewhere, and support increased walking and cycling.

As part of the review of the social distancing measures, bays for disabled parking in Castle Street are due to be reinstated. The traffic island at the junction with The Borough was reinstated on Sunday 13 June.

OIP consultation analysis

Full analysis of the responses to the draft Optimised Infrastructure Plan (OIP) consultation has now been completed.

While people in Farnham are broadly supportive of the measures proposed in the plan, there were some polarising views of some options. The results are now being considered, before an updated version of the OIP is agreed later this year. The consultation ran for four weeks in February and March.

Read the analysis of the OIP consultation...

Read a summary of the draft OIP... 

'Quick wins' project update

The FIP's 'quick wins' project is working towards making improvements in Farnham over the next two years. Here are some updates:

HGV restrictions, designed to stop lorries diverting through Upper Hale, are expected to be introduced in August.New 'wayfinding' signage is set to be installed later this year to help people move around without using their car.Plans to reclassify the A325 between the Shepherd and Flock, and Coxbridge roundabouts are continuing.

Read the quick wins project update...

The Farnham Infrastructure Programme

Surrey County Council, Waverley Borough Council and Farnham Town Council are working together to tackle issues such as congestion and air quality in Farnham and its surrounding areas. This is called the Farnham Infrastructure Programme.

People in Farnham can also hear more about the programme and have their say at regular meetings of the Local Liaison Forum - new dates will be available soon.

Find out more about the Farnham Infrastructure Programme...

Find out the latest on Local Liaison Forums...

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Calling all South Farnham Alumni


The Coffee Can is moving into The Bourne Green Pavilion!