The story so far


Seven years ago the Bourne Green pavilion caught the eye of a local benefactor who wanted to give the “Breath of life” to a very tired building. The journey has been long, with a significant amount of progress being made with the benefactors financial assistance, to enable us to springboard the project into the next phase.

From the outset Martin Lear, Brian Copeman and Andy Morse have spearheaded the project with the benefactor, to draw up plans for a new Community Pavilion that would serve for the next generations to come in the Bourne. A revised plan for a new pavilion has been given approval from the Secretary of State for Communities, and The Bourne Green Charity has been registered to deliver and manage the new building. We have an excellent team of volunteers both on the Charity Board of Trustees and on the sub committees.

 A strategy has been implemented both to organise the fundraising for this exciting project, and to deliver the new building, and an invigorating community website has been launched to highlight “all things Bourne”, and to support the Charity. However sadly recent news highlights such as Brexit, COVID 19 and other World events have meant that whilst we have been lucky to have the benefactor financing the journey so far, we now need the widespread community enthusiasm demonstrated to assist with delivering the vital funds required to build the new Pavilion.

A strategy for fundraising is underway, and a plan is being assembled, and very soon we will be launching this initiative to return a fantastic Community hub back to where it belongs in its prime position at the Bourne Green. We really hope that everyone locally will join our team of volunteers to help to make this happen. Very soon we will be asking you all to rally and support this exciting and long overdue project, which is so vital for the future enjoyment of our community.

Local fun events at the Green are being arranged and notifications of these events will be on the website very shortly. Please come along and get involved as we cannot succeed without you!

Please also sign up to our mailing list, and if you like what we are doing then ensure that you say so on all of the social media platforms that advertise it. “Liking” things on Facebook or Instagram might not be your thing, however this really helps us to demonstrate the support that we have locally when we target public funding rounds, as it all helps.

Whether it be sport, a glass of wine, a coffee or simply a chat, it’s your Green, so let’s make this happen and bring this “ambition to fruition.” Let’s give it the energy to succeed by supporting these exciting new events, and we look forward to seeing you all at the Bourne Green very soon. 

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That’s what we’re planning – Things are happening at the Green

……and we’re asking you to get involved. The Green needs a new community Pavilion and the Charity now needs to secure the funding to deliver it.

Be a part of this exciting project and please donate to support and help to deliver our Community ambition. All contributions will be gratefully received.

Please see our PAVILION 2025 page for the latest information.


Pedestrianising Farnham