Farnham Swimming Club

Farnham Swimming Club (FSC) in Surrey, is a competitive swimming club affiliated to the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA), ASA South East Region and The Surrey County ASA. The club is one of the oldest in the country and we have been competing since 1893. As well as Competitive Swimming FSC also has Swimming Lessons for ages 4+, Open Water training in the summer and a successful Masters Team. The club is based in the Farnham Leisure Centre with training also taking place at the Garrison pool in Aldershot and the Aldershot Pools Centre.

Sean Bailey, Farnham's head coach, coordinates and guides the club's swimmers so that they are able to compete successfully in Leagues, Galas and Open Meets, at all levels of ability. Our swimmers also compete at County, Regional and National level.

The club is accredited to Swim 21 which means it has reached the standards laid down by the National Governing Body (Swim England) for swimming clubs.

Farnham Swimming Club (FSC) in Surrey is a competitive swimming club affiliated to the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA), ASA South East Region and The Surrey County ASA. The club is one of the oldest in the country; we have been competing since 1893. The club is based in the Farnham Leisure centre with training also taking place at the 50m Garrison pool in Aldershot.

The club is accredited to Swim 21 which means it has reached the standards laid down by the National Governing Body (the ASA) for swimming clubs.

Firstly, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child(ren) to  Farnham Swimming Club.  We hope that your time with us will be most enjoyable and that your child(ren) will have the opportunity to  realise their full potential through our comprehensive swimming  programme that includes Swimming Lessons for our younger swimmers, Competitive Training for our older swimmers, Masters squad and Fitness swimming.  

There is quite a lot of information that you need to be aware of to make your time with the Club as safe, productive and enjoyable as possible.  If there is ever anything more that you need to know then please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Club Committee or our team on the Sunday Desk at Farnham and they will be happy to point you in the right direction.    You can also find lots of useful information via our website, our Club notice boards at Farnham Sports Centre and on Facebook.

The Club aims to take each swimmer to their maximum potential through the squad system in place and to take as many as possible to compete at inter-club galas and open meets as well as at County, Regional and National level.  It is vital that swimmers attend as many of the squad sessions as possible in order to give them the very best opportunity to achieve their potential.

Club Nights
Club nights are Sunday and Tuesday evenings at Farnham Sports Centre and all squads have sessions on at least one of these days.  On these Club nights swimmers are requested to wear Club hats which form part of our team kit.

You can contact us at any of the below email addresses:

Pip Barr

 New Enquiries:
Sharon Jacobs

 Rachel Connolly


Farnham Athletic Club


Farnham Gymnastics Club